A leading and knowledge-based financial group with a diverse set of technological services

About Shahr Financial Group

Shahr Financial Group Company as a strong arm of Shahr Bank in the field of providing other financial services, in order to complete the bank’s financial services chain on 08/30/2013 under number 432077 at the Companies Registration Office as a private joint stock company with 100% ownership Bank Shahr was established in the framework of the country’s laws and regulations with an initial capital of one thousand billion Rials in order to take advantage of the economic conditions and fields and optimal management of the companies under the Bank Shahr and Municipality.


Latest analysis

We Shahr Finance Group Are

A leader in modern financial knowledge

We at Shahr Financial Group always emphasize on localization of new technologies as much as possible and their use in the financial markets of Iran.
Financial reports

Providing the latest reports and financial and corporate statements of Shahr Financial Group and its subsidiaries by report type


Presenting research and analytical articles on current issues of financial and monetary markets

data mining

Alta is a provider of new and technological services in the field of capital market. Alta offers a solution to the activists of this field to measure the optimal investment position.

Analysis database

Combining knowledge and experience in providing services in the capital market, our specialists and experts are proud to provide services to their old and new users and customers with specialized measures and solutions in the field of the capital market.

Financial reports of subsidiaries

Status statistics

With God’s grace and benefiting from the professional management of the city’s financial complex, we have been able to achieve the highest possible amount of successful and implemented projects while increasing the amount of investment.

The statistics are related to the current year and up to date.

Percentage of stock market assets of the portfolio
Human capital - (people)
Number of subsidiaries


Shahr Financial Group, with the idea of providing a complete basket of practical services in various monetary and financial fields, and as a specialized holding company of Shahr Bank in the field of providing financial services, aims to complete the value chain of bank services and increase the wealth of shareholders by relying on knowledge. and the ideas of its experts and managers, to provide the maximum satisfaction of customers and beneficiaries in all financial fields, including financing, leasing, brokerage, investment, investment consulting, insurance and tourism.

Shahr Bank

Shahr Bank, as a 100% shareholder of Shahr Financial Group, established this company in 1391.

مرکز ایده‌بان شهر

گروه مالی شهر با سرمایه‌گذاری در ایده‌های نو و کسب‌وکارهای نوپا در پی حمایت و همکاری اثر بخش با صاحبان ایده است. متقاضیان اطلاعات خواسته شده رو در فرم مربوطه وارد و ارسال فرمایند.